
Review: City Style Mascara | Golden Rose

This is the first review I'm doing on my blog and it's all about City Style mascara by Golden Rose. Everyone talked about this one, so I decided to try this mascara and I can say I'm very pleased. This is one of the best mascaras I used in my life! Package is cute, brush has two types of spines. First is short which gives length and volume and the other one, longer, gives curls and separates lashes. Formula is easy to apply and long standing. If you're looking for a mascara I recommend this one to you.
Biću iskrena i reći da sam u celom svom životu koristila samo tri do četiri maskare i da pre i nisam bila neki ljubitelj njih. Zašto? Zato što strašno nisam volela kada treba da je skinem. Da li sam to radila na pogrešan način ili šta već, ali posle uklanjanja ispod očiju bi mi sve bilo crno. Međutim, to sada nije ni bitno jer sam ih zavolela i spremna sam da istrpim to... sve za duge trepavice i veće oči.