
Spring Beauty Favorites | 2019

Proleće se završilo, a to znači samo jedno - FAVORITI! Došao je red na beauty post kojim uvek završavam sezonu, a to je pisanje o proizvodima koje sam najviše koristila tokom proleća i koje blago rečeno obožavam. U favoritima dominira essence što me ne čudi jer obožavam taj brend, kvalitetan je, a povoljan i mogu reći da ću neke proizvode nastaviti da koristim i u letnjoj sezoni, neke ću promeniti, neke ću kupiti ponovo, a neke neću iako su mi sada favoriti. Sada pokazujem samo beauty favorite, ali na kraju leta možete očekivati i fashion i random na jutjubu. Ako vas zanimaju favoriti 2018 godine taj post možete pročitati ovde.
Spring is over and that means just one - FAVORITES! It's time for a beauty post with which I always end up the season and it's the writing about the products I used the most during the spring and which I really adore. In favorites dominates essence which is not a miracle because I adore this brand, it's a good quality and wallet friendy. I can say that I will continue to use some products in the summer season, some I will change, some I will buy again and some I will not even though they are favorites. Now I'm only showing beauty favorites, but at the end of the summer you can expect both fashion and random on yt.

Spring Favorites, 2019
Essence Glow Like A Mermaid Highlighter;
Zorannah Eau de Parfum;
Byphasse Eye Makeup Remover;
Colour Pop Ultra Blotted Lip;
Essence Shine Shine Shine lipgloss;
Essence Shine Shine Shine lipgloss;
Essence sheer & shine lipstick

Essence Glow Like A Mermaid Highlighter
U neverovatnom hajlajter svetu koji svi obožavaju i poseduju po nekoliko hajlajtera, verujete li vi meni da ja imam samo ovaj koji mi je inače i prvi ikada? Nisam bila toliko opsednuta sijanjem, ali mislim da se to menja otkad sam probala ovaj glow like a mermaid. Iskreno, dobar je i može da učini da sijate kao Las Vegas, dobro, možda ne baš toliko, ali dovoljno da ga obožavate. Od brenda je essence i dosta je pristupačan, tako da će vrlo dobro doći za probu i vežbanje za vrhunsko sijanje.
In an incredible highlighter world that everyone adores and owns a few highlighters, do you believe to me that I have only this one that it's the first one ever? I wasn't so obsessed with shining, but I think it's changing since I tried this glow like a mermaid highlighter. Honestly, it's good and can make you shine like Las Vegas, well, maybe not so much, but enough to adore it. The brand is essence and is quite affordable, so it will be very good to come for a practice to shine on fleek.

Zorannah Eau de Parfum
Naravno, kako favoriti da prođu, a da ne ubacim najdraži puderasto vanilasti parfem koji bukvalno koristim svaki dan? O njemu ste već čitali jer sam pisala recenziju, ali nikada neće biti previše pisanja o njemu. Razlog zašto mi se dopada? Prvi je miris vanile naravno, a drugi jer je dugotrajan. Mislim da je to najvažnije kod parfema, a kad nađete takav onda naravno da će biti favorit. Još moram da dodam da se zaista slabo troši i da ga je nekoliko osoba pohvalilo po pitanju mirisa, a to znači da je dobar u svom poslu. Čekaj, šta pričam? On je neverovatan! Takođe, planiram da ga koristim i celo leto i jesen i zimu, pa opet na proleće. Okeej.
Of course, how to write favorites without putting in the favorite powdery vanilla perfume I literally use every day? You already read about the perfume because I wrote a review, but there will never be too much writing about him. The reason I like it? The first is the vanilla fragrance of course and the second is because it's long lasting. I think that's the most important thing about perfume, and when you find it, then of course it will be a favorite. I still have to add that it's really slowly spending and that several people have praised him for the smell, which means he is good at his job. Wait, what I am talking about? He's incredible! Also, I plan to use it all summer, autumn and winter and then again in the spring. Okaay.

Byphasse Eye Make Up Remover
Ovaj proizvod je brutalan, verujte mi na reč. Možda piše da uklanja šminku sa očiju, ali ja sam ga isprobala i na licu i ostala u šoku koliko je fenomenalan. Micelarna je beba za ovo jer on taako skida šminku da izgleda kao da je niste nosili nedeljama, a uz to još i lepo miriše. Imate svaku moju preporuku za ovaj proizvod jer je b r u t a l a n. Ono što mi se ne dopada kod njega jeste to što kožu ostavlja pomalo lepljivom posle nanošenja, ali ništa strašno jer to voda reši. ... Psst, možda je ostavlja lepljivom jer je namenjen samo za šminku na očima, ALI ja svejedno nastavljam da ga koristim i na licu.
This product is brutal, believe me on the word. Maybe it says to remove eye makeup, but I tried it on my face and remained shocked how phenomenal it is. Micellar water is a baby for this, because it removes makeup that it looks like you didn't wear it for weeks, and it smells nice too. You have every my recommendation for this product because he's b r u t a l. What I don't like about him is the thing that he leaves the skin a little sticky after application, but nothing terrible because water solves it. ... Psst, maybe it leaves it sticky because it's only meant for makeup on the eyes, BUT I will still keep using it on my face.

Colour Pop Zuma Ultra Blotted Lip
U poslednje vreme obožavam mat ruževe (pre nisam jer su mi usne isušivali) i mislim da je za tu ljubav zaslužan ovaj divni zuma nude ruž koji nosim non-stop. Kad god sam u dilemi šta da stavim on mi je jedan od prvih opcija i zaista je super jer se ne skida tako lako, čini usne mekim i nežnim i pored svega nanosi se jako lako i precizno. On je čista ljubav. Inače, uglavnom ga nosim kada idem na piće ili nešto da pojedem jer sam sasvim sigurna da će ostati na mestu. Preporuka i veliki aplauz za CP.
Lately I love matte lipsticks (before I didn't because my lips were drying up) and I think that for this love is guilty zuma nude lipstick I wear a non-stop. Whenever I'm in dilemma what to put on, he's one of the first options and it's really great because it doesn't gets off so easy, it makes your lips soft and gentle and it's very easy and precise to apply. He is pure love. Anyway, I mostly wear it when I go for a drink or something to eat because I'm quite sure it will stay in place. I recommend it for you and great applause for CP. But for real.

Essence Shine Shine Shine Lipgloss: Pink of Bel Air
Ne znam kad sam tačno zavolela ove wet sjajeve, ali kad god sam u drogeriji ja kupim neki (uglavnom rozi), a ovaj pod nazivom pink of bel air u nijansi 14 je jedan od favorita. Dopada mi se da ga stavim preko nekog ruža jer imam njegovu nijansu, a wet sjaj stavim u tankom sloju samo zbog wet izgleda. Ne znam zašto, ali to mi se mnogo dopada, haha. Ako planirate da kupite ovaj sjaj znajte da ne boji toliko usne, barem ne meni, što znači da je super izbor za samo wet efekat. Mada, mislim da ima i providan u kolekciji tako da bi taj bio čist pogodak za to, zar ne? Da li vi volite wet efekat na usnama?
I don't know when I really get to love these wet lipglosses, but whenever I'm in a drugstore I buy some (mostly pink), and this one called pink of bel air in the shade 14 is one of my favorites. I like to put it on some lipstick over because I have it's color and then a thin layer of wet lipgloss just because of the wet look. I don't know why but I like it a lot, haha. If you are planning to buy this lipgloss then know that it doesn't apply so much color shade, at least not to me, which means it's a great choice for just a wet effect. Although, I think it has a transparent lipgloss in the collection so he would be a great choice for it, right? Do you like the wet effect on your lips?

Essence Shine Shine Shine Lipgloss: One Woman Show
Drugi favorit što se tiče wet sjajeva je jedan od poslednjih koji sam kupila i nosila sam ga toliko da je natpis počeo da se briše, haha. Njega stavim u nekoliko slojeva kako bi svuda bila ravnomerna boja i uglavnom nosim samo njega na usnama jer mi se veoma dopada boja i ne želim da je mešam sa nekom drugom, a zove se one woman show i u nijansi je 09. Ako volite da privlačite pažnju ovaj sjaj će vam to i omogućiti jer je nijansa drečava i veoma upadljiva, ja je obožavam. Za kraj jedno malo upozorenje što se tiče ovih sjajeva, a ono glasi da se pomalo lepe i razmazuju tako da ako ne želite to onda ih zaobiđite.
The second favorite lipgloss is one of the last ones I bought and I carried it so much that the inscription began to be erased, haha. I put it in several layers so it would be evenly colored everywhere and I mostly wear only him on my lips, because I really like the color and I don't want to mix it with something else. It's called one woman show and it's in shade 09. If you like to attract attention this lipgloss will allow you to do it because the shade is kinda neon and very noticeable, I adore it. For the end I have a little warning about these lipglosses: they smear and are a little bit sticky so if you don't want that, then you should bypass them.

Essence Sheer & Shine Lipstick: BFF
Karmin koji ubedljivo najviše koristim je upravo ovaj jer se uklapa i slaže sa svime pa je zato i česti izbor. Osim toga, veoma je prijatan na usnama, nežan, lagan i baš mi odgovara. Ono što mi se najviše dopada jeste to što ne može da se definiše boja jer čas izgleda kao roza, čas kao crvena. Mislim da su zbog toga upravo i dali ime BFF ovoj nijansi jer su te dve boje "najbolje" drugarice.
The lipstick that I definitely use the most is this one because it fits and agrees with everything and therefore is a frequent choice. It's very pleasant on the lips, gentle, easy and very suitable for me. What I like the most is that color can't be defined because it looks a little bit like pink and a little bit like red. I think that's why they just gave the name BFF to this shade because these two colors are "best" friends. What do you think?

Have you used any of these products and what do you think of them?
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  1. Super post! Slike su fenomeeenalne!! 😃😃😉

  2. Ja sam zaljublkena u Zoranin parfem, tako da moram priznati da je to najbolji proizvod.

  3. I love Colourpops Lip products and I really want to try the essence gloss!


  4. Jako mi se svidaju proizvodi. Sjajila dugo nisam koristila, voljela bih isprobati Fenty, ali do tada ako cu kupovati onda ce ovi Essence uci u izbor jer sam cula odlicne komentare o njima. Zoranin parfem uvijek zaboravim pomirisati u trgovini tako da definitvno se moram sjetiti to napraviti,a mozda ga i kupiti.

    1. Oh, kako možeš, hehe... Ako voliš vanilu, Zoranin parfem će ti se sigurno svideti. :) Uuh, volela bih i ja isprobati Fenty, to bi bilo zaista super. ❤

  5. very beautiful color! i like it! the pink is the best color!
    Very beautiful photo, I like it Lux-hair-shop-blogs
    Love your blog, thank you for sharing.
    (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~

    1. I couldn't agree more. Pink all the way, big YAS. :)

  6. These looks really lovely, especially the mermaid highlighter.
    Jessica |

  7. Ne čudi me da ti se dopada jer koliko znam on je unisex i namenjen je koliko za ženski, toliko i za muški pol. Samo ljudi to ne znaju jer dolazi u girly pink izdanju. I da, drago mi je što te ponovo vidim na mom blogu.


Hvala na odvojenom vremenu i vernom čitanju. Nadam se da vam se ovaj post dopao, a mi se čitamo u sledećem postu. 💫