
Out Of Zone

Jedan od prvih outfita koji sam fotkala ove jeseni jeste ovaj i ja jednostavno moram da ga podelim sa vama pre nego što se jesen završi tako da, evo me, kuckam vam post pod nazivom Out Of Zone. Postoji više razloga zašto se zove tako i sad ću vam ih napisati. Ako ste pogledali fotke pre nego što se pročitali ovaj tekst onda ste primetili Davida koji mi se neplanirano priključio u fotkanju i pokazao kako se to radi jer dečko zaista ima talenta. Drugi razlog su ove pantalone jer su one stvarno van moje zone, ali htela sam da isprobam nešto novo pa sam ih kupila i jako sam zadovoljna njima. Sledeći razlog je rolka. Dok sam bila mlađa, često sam nosila rolke, a onda su odjednom počele da me "guše" i nisam više mogla da ih podnesem sve do sada. Ovu sam kupila u New Yorkeru i narandžaste je boje koja je po meni idealna za jesenju paletu boja. Znam da većina odustane od odeće ove boje, ali sigurno nećete pogrešiti ako je budete odabrali. Možda je vreme da i vi napravite mali korak van svoje zone u vezi nečega što mislite da se ne biste usudili da uradite i konačno uradite to jer je osećaj svakako fenomenalan.  
One of the first outfits I photographed this fall is this one and I just have to share it with you before the fall is over so here I am, tapping you a post called Out Of Zone. There are several reasons why it's called so, and I will write them to you now. If you looked at the photos before reading this text then you noticed David joined me unplanned in taking pictures and showed how to do it because the boy really has talent. The other reason are these pants because they are really out of my zone, but I wanted to try something new so I bought them and I'm very happy with them. The next reason is the turtleneck. When I was younger, I often wore turtlenecks and then all of a sudden they started "choking me" and I couldn't stand them anymore until now. I bought this one in New Yorker and it's orange, which in my opinion is ideal for the fall color palette. I know most give up on clothes of this color, but you certainly won't go wrong if you choose one. It may be time for you to take a little step out of your zone about something you think you wouldn't dare to do and finally do it because the feeling is certainly phenomenal.

NecklaceBillionaire Belgrade Turtleneck: New Yorker | Pants: H&M | Sneakers: Universo


Hvala na odvojenom vremenu i vernom čitanju. Nadam se da vam se ovaj post dopao, a mi se čitamo u sledećem postu. 💫