Geometric Metallic

Rain and wind are finally gone, so it means perfect time to shoot outfit! I just hope they won't come back soon. As for outfit, you can see three trends - white jeans, luminous metallic and geometric shapes. I will write about geometric shapes trend soon, tho. I wore sunglasses, oversized shirt, jeans and the same boots as the last outfit post. By the way, this is my b'day outfit from third day and now left only from second day to show you. After him on menu are fall outfits!
As for the birthday outfits, since forever I wore dresses, but this year I decided to wear something else and voila - here it is. You could see this oufit from September Highlights post, but now you will notice a teeny tiny change.
Kiša i vetar su najzad otišli i dali priliku za slikanje outfita, a nadam se da se neće ni vraćati, ha. U ovom outfitu možete videti tri trenda - bele farmerke, metalik sjaj i geometrijske oblike. O ovom poslednjem trendu nisam još pisala, ali pisaću. Nosim naočare, oversized belu košulju sa geometrijskim oblicima, bele farmerke i iste čizmice kao iz prošlog outfit posta. Inače, ovaj outfit sam nosila za svoj rođendan, a ostao je još jedan da vam pokažem. Posle njega dolaze jesenji, yaas!
Što se tiče rođendanskih outfita, oduvek sam nosila haljine, ali ove godine sam odlučila da promenim ploču i obučem nešto drugo. Outfit ste već videli u September Highlights postu, ali sada sam ga malo promenila. Samo mali detalj.

Jasmina Di, x.