Hot Girl Summer Is Over, Now It's Time For Witch Bitch Autumn

Jesen je tu i baš se radujem ovoj sezoni jer je ona moja najomiljenija, a ove jeseni planiram da se maksimalno posvetim svojim NYE odlukama, da započnem novi hobi (možda da učim da sviram ukulele) i naravno da blogujem. Da uspem u tome pomoći će mi rokovnik gde ću zapisati sve svoje obaveze jer organizacija je ključ svega i, iskreno, najlakše je kada imate sve zapisano. Kafa je must-have tako da ona ne može da izostane isto kao burgundy karmini, upaljene sveće i miris vanile u vazduhu. Međutim, onome čemu se najviše radujem jesu outfit kombinacije i jesenja moda. Jedva čekam da obnovim odeću za ovu sezonu, kombinujem je i fotkam za blog. So stay tuned, stay online.
Autumn is here and I'm really looking forward to this season because it's my favorite and this autumn I plan to make the most of my NYE decisions, start a new hobby (maybe learning to play ukulele) and of course blog. To help me to achieve all of it I'm going to write down all my responsibilities in my planner because organization is the key to everything and, frankly, the easiest is when you have everything written down. Coffee is a must-have so it cannot be absent the same as burgundy lipsticks, lighted candles and the smell of vanilla in the air. However, what I'm most looking forward to are outfit combinations and fall fashion. I can’t wait to renew my clothes for this season, combine it and do photoshootings for the blog. So stay tuned, stay online.

El Señora De Los Cielos

U poslednje vreme sam bila bez volje za blogovanjem ili bolje da kažem u burnout fazi. Nisam verovala da bi to moglo da mi se desi, ali eto, kako je Justin Bieber davno rekao never say never. Uglavnom, jesen je već uveliko tu i spremna sam da ponovo pišem postove na TFS-u, ali pre nego što krenem sa tom sezonom moram da podelim sa vama ovaj ootd koji je uslikan tokom leta. On nosi naziv el señora de los cielos što znači gospodarica neba, a ideju sam dobila zahvaljujući nazivu serije koju trenutno gledam, a to je gospodar neba ili po originalu el señor de los cielos. Znači, ove fotke me taaako podsećaju na nju.

Što se tiče autfita, glavna zvezda je snake print šorc koji je veliki trend već nekoliko sezona i morala sam da ga ispratim. Ako niste toliko odvažni da ga nosite, a voleli biste onda možete da se odlučite za kaiš, torbu ili cipele. Meni bi jedne čizmice baš super došle. Dalje, nosim crnu Jennifer Taylor majicu koja je taaako udobna da je to nerealno. Materijal je predivan i baš mi se dopada. Od obuće sam se odlučila za sandale sa zlatnim detaljima koje su, fun fact, moje prve cipele IKAD i još uvek mi odgovaraju. To ja zovem dobrim šopingom. Ostale stvari koje nosim su šešir, izmučena tally weijl torba koju nosim već jedno deset godina, ogrlica sa zvezdama i mom srcu veoma draga personalizovana kajina narukvica. 
I've been out of blogging lately because of burnout phase. I didn't believe it could happen to me, but how Justin Bieber said long ago never say never. Anyway, autumn is already here and I'm ready to write posts on TFS, but before I start this season I have to share with you this ootd that was taken during the summer. It bears the name el señora de los cielos which means mistress of the sky, and I got the idea thanks to the name of the series I am currently watching, which is lord of the sky or by the original el señor de los cielos. These photos remind me sooo much of the series so yeah.

As for the outfit, the main star is the snake print shorts, which has been a big trend for several seasons and I have to follow it myself. If you're not so daring to wear it, then you would prefer to opt for a belt, bag or shoes. One pair of boots sounds really good to me. Next, I wear a Jennifer Tailor t-shirt that was so comfortable it's unrealistic. The material is beautiful and I really like it. For footwear, I opted for sandals with gold details that, fun fact, are my first shoes EVER and still fit me. That's what I call good shopping. Other things that I wear are hat, tally weijl bag that I've been wearing for ten years now, a star necklace and a personalized bracelet that's very dear to my heart which I adore. 

Flower Bow | OUTFIT

Znam da novu sezonu obično započinjem modnim trendovima, ali ovog puta ta tema će se naći na novom projektu koji ću uskoro da lansiram i jedva čekam da vidim vaše reakcije. Mislim da će vam se baš dopasti. Uglavnom, letnju sezonu ću sada otvoriti ovim letnjim autfitom gde sam se poklonila cvetnom printu. Ja sam jako izbirljiva kada je ovaj print u pitanju jer mi se većina tih printova ne svidi, ali polako otvaram vrata i izlazim iz svoje zone komfora što se njega tiče pa sam dodala već nekoliko komada u svoj garderober. U vezi haljine, nju imam već nekoliko godina i apsolutno je obožavam. Dugo, ali baš dugo vremena je bila jedini flower komad u mom ormanu (matursku haljinu ne računam). Na prvi pogled deluje da je skroz basic, ali nije jer je na dnu leđa otvorena i baš zbog toga mi se dopada. Inače, znate da volim igrice, pa tako je reč bow u naslovu dvosmislena. Prvo značenje je to da sam se poklonila cvetnom printu kao što sam napisala gore, a drugo značenje je mašna jer na ovim cipelama ima mašna.
I know I usually start the new season with fashion trends, but this time that topic will be found on a new project that I will launch soon and I can't wait to see your reactions. I think you'll like it a lot. Anyway, now I will open the summer season with this summer outfit where I bowed to the floral print. I'm very picky with it because I don't like most of these prints, but I'm slowly opening the door and going out of my comfort zone so I've added a few pieces to my wardrobe. About the dress, I have her for few years now and I absolutely adore her. For a long time, but for a looong time, it was the only flower piece in my closet (I don't count the prom dress). At first glance, it looks like she's basic, but she's not because it's open at the bottom of the back and that's why I like her. Otherwise, you know I love games, so the word bow in the title has two meanings. The first meaning is that I bow to the floral print as I wrote above and the second meaning is bow because there is a bow on these shoes.