Do you remember the story about the Caffe Tour? Well, this is the first on the list that I have visited and that made me (and my friends) simply thrilled. I must say that I have never been impressed by some caffe as I have with this one. The reasons are simple. He is beautifully decorated, full of interesting details, has a positive vibe, music is excellent, you can watch TV and what is the best, he has a menu on each table. As for the employees, they are very enthusiastic while they enumerate, let's say, types of teas and very generous when it comes to cute spoons which you can see on the last photo.
I'm not an expert when it comes to architecture, so I don't know what was the inspiration for decoration, however, I can say that the decor is extremely important. To me personally pictures. Room looks so much better with pictures, right? I'm aware that you can't visit this place and that you may not be interested in any of this, but anyway, I present to you Caffe Bar Obeliks in Serbia.
Sećate se priče o Caffe Touru? Pa, ovaj je prvi na listi koji sam posetila i koji me je (i moje prijatelje) naprosto oduševio. Moram reći da nikad nisam bila oduševljena nekim kafićem kao što sam sa ovim. Razlozi su jednostavni. Predivno je uređen, pun je zanimljivih detalja, ima pozitivnu vibru, muzika je odlična, možete TV da gledate i ono najbolje, ima meni na svakom stolu. Što se tiče zaposlenih, veoma su entuzijastični dok vam nabrajaju, recimo, vrste čajeva, a i vrlo darežljivi što se tiče preslatkih kašičica koje možete videti na poslednjoj slici.Nisam ekspert što se tiče arhitekture, pa ne znam šta je bila inspiracija za uređenje, međutim, mogu da kažem da je dekor izuzezno važan. Meni lično slike. Zar vam se prostorija ne čini boljom kada ima slike? Svesna sam toga da ne možete da posetite ovo mesto i da vas možda neće zanimati ništa od ovoga, ali eto, predstavljam vam Caffe Bar Obeliks.
Greetings from Serbia,
Jasmina Di, x.