It's EASTER, bunny

Hristos Voskrese! Srećan Uskrs! Kako ste? Kako ste proveli Uskrs? Ja super i više o tome u nastavku, ali pre toga moram da vam napišem još nešto. Naime, pre nisam bila toliki ljubitelj Uskrsa (pa bilo kojeg praznika da budem iskrena), ali ipak sam se radovala kucanju jaja sa porodicom i drugaricama i ko će pobediti. Radovala sam se i farbanju i ukrašavanju, a posebno sam volela onaj deo kada sa svojom najboljom drugaricom razmenim jaja jer smo se trudile da budu što bolje i lepše ukrašena.

Uglavnom, prošle godine slavila sam po prvi put Uskrs u novoj kući, a ove godine slavim drugi i jedina razlika je ta što sada imam dva dečaka koja traže sakrivena jaja, čokoladu i druge poklone od Uskršnjeg zeca i upravo to me raduje i čini ovaj praznik tako posebnim. Iskreno, Stefa nije bio toliko zainteresovan za traženje, a kada je našao nešto što su većinom bila čokoladna jaja i kinder surprise onda je morao odmah da pojede. David je međutim vrlo rado tražio i sakupljao iako smo stalno morali da mu nagoveštavamo gde se šta nalazi tipa "da nije zeka nešto ostavio kod česme jer je možda bio umoran i pio vodu". Posle uspešnog sakupljanja fotkali smo se za uspomenu, a onda kucali sa jajima i doručkovali. To nam izgleda postaje ritual jer smo prošle godine uradili isto tako i jedva čekam sledeću godinu da ponovimo sve opet.

Sada ono što sledi vezano je za roditeljstvo pa ako vas ne interesuje ne morate da čitate, ali svakako možete podeliti svoje mišljenje ako želite. Naime, zanima me da li je bolje umesto toga da zeka sakriva poklone reći deci da roditelji kupe i sakriju? Znam da neki roditelji rade po ovoj drugoj verziji i nekako mi je okej jer se deca posle neće razočarati što taj famozni zec zapravo ne postoji, ali takođe mislim da je sve nekako lepše i magičnije kada veruju u to da je zec sakrio poklone. Šta vi mislite?
Happy Orthodox Easter! How are you? How did you spend Easter? I spend it great and more on that below, but before that I have to write you some more. Namely, I wasn't so much a fan of Easter before (so any holiday to be honest), but I still looked forward to knocking eggs with family and friends and who would win. I was also looking forward to painting and decorating, and I especially loved the part when I exchanged eggs with my best friend because we tried eggs to be as beautiful as possible.

Basically, last year I celebrated Easter for the first time in a new house, and this year I'm celebrating the second and only difference is that now I have two boys looking for hidden eggs, chocolate and other Easter gifts and that's exactly what makes me happy and makes this holiday so special. Honestly, Stefa wasn't so keen on looking, and when he found something that was mostly chocolate eggs and kinder surprise then he had to eat right away. David, however, was very happy to search and collect, though we always had to tell him things like "maybe the bunny left something near the faucet because he may have been tired and drink water". After the successful collection, we took photos for the memories, then knocked on eggs and had breakfast. That seems to become a ritual to us because we did the same thing last year and I can’t wait for next year to do it all again.

Now what follows is about parenting so if you are not interested you don't have to read but you can certainly share your opinion if you wish. Basically, I wonder if it's better instead of a bunny to tell children that their parents buy and hide easter gifts? I know some parents are telling this second version and I'm kind of okay because the kids won't be disappointed after when they find out that this famous rabbit doesn't really exist, but I think it's all nicer and magical when they believe that the rabbit hid gifts. What do you think?

Current Beauty Obsession: Sheet Face Masks

Moja nova trenutna opsesija i apsolutno je OBOŽAVAM. U pitanju su sheet maske za lice koje nanosim pred spavanje kako bih se dodatno opustila, a dok deluje čitam knjigu u pdf verziji ili gledam jutjub videe svojih omiljenih jutjubera. Koristim jednu do dve nedeljno, to zavisi od raspoloženja i obaveza, ali sada u doba korone koristim samo jednu i jedva čekam da prođe ova pandemija kako bih, pored svega ostalog, kupila nove maskice. Da li imate neku da mi preporučite? Ove gore što vidite na kolažu, neke od njih trenutno imam dok mi se druge nalaze na listi želja. Uglavnom, planiram da započnem novi serijal na storiju, a to je isprobavanje i prvi utisak efekta maski. Šta mislite o tome? U svakom slučaju planiram da napišem post gde će biti sve recenzije.
My new current obsession and I absolutely ADORE IT. It is all about the sheet face masks which I apply before bed to relax, and while it's absorbing I read the book or watch the videos of my favorite youtubers. I use one to two a week, depending on availability and commitment, but now since it's corona time I only use one and can't wait for this pandemic to pass to buy new masks and other necessities. Do you have any face mask to recommend to me? These above on collage are some that I currently have while others are on my wishlist. I plan to start a new series on insta stories, which is to try and get the first impression of masks. What do you think about it? Anyway, I plan to write a post where all the reviews of masks will be.

Polka Dots, Hearts & Bees

Retko kad sam inspirisana i oduševljena nekim outfitom toliko da ga sama nosim, ali za ovaj moram priznati da je zaslužna Milica sa bloga Call Me Shopaholic koja ima neverovatan stil i koja je pre svega jedna predivna osoba. Outfit se sastoji od crne dugačke haljine sa belim tufnama, crnom kožnom jaknom i martinkama koje obožavam. Kad sam kupila haljinu dugo sam razmišljala sa čime da je nosim, a onda je Milicin ootd stigao kao naručen jer ništa nisam mogla da smislim. Takođe, kao naručene su stigle naočare i jakna jer sam ih pozajmila od sestre za fotkanje. Svako ko ima sestru zna koliko je lepše nositi njene stvari nego sopstvene, hehe. Kako vam se dopada ova kombinacija? Sa čime biste vi nosili polka dots haljinu? Pišite u komentarima.
I rarely get inspired and impressed by some outfit so much that I also get to wear it, but for this one I have to admit that is creditable Milica from Call Me Shopaholic blog which has an amazing style and is above all a wonderful person. Outfit consists of black long dress with polka dots, a black leather jacket and a boots that I adore. When I bought the dress, I thought for a long time with what to wear it and then Milica's ootd arrived as ordered because I couldn't think of anything to combine it. Also, glasses and jacket kinda arrived as ordered because I borrowed them from my sister for a photoshoot. Anyone with a sister knows how much is better wearing her things than own, hehe. How do you like this combination? What would you wear with a polka dots dress? I wanna know so tell me in the comments.

Derma Hair: Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo & Hair Building Fibers | Mr. Black

Pre nekoliko dana dobila sam bundle Mr. Black proizvoda starijih kolekcija, kao i njihovu novu liniju Derma Hair u kojoj se nalaze dva proizvoda, a oni su Anti-Hair Loss šampon i Hair Building fiberi za kosu. Ova nova linija služi protiv opadanja i za rast kose i o njima ću sada da vam pišem. Preneću vam i utiske osobe kojoj sam poklonila proizvode s obzirom da meni nisu potrebni. U nastavku posta vas čekaju informacije čemu služe, kako rade i vredi li kupiti ih. Krenimo...

C'est La Vie, Mon Amie

Outfit koji ću u ovom postu da vam pokažem je jedan od mojih omiljenih i nosila sam ga toliko da ne može da se izbroji, a snimila sam čak i video za jutjub u njemu. Ono što mogu reći jeste da je veoma udoban i topao, a to je ono čemu težim kada je hladno vreme, a imam puno stavki na to-do listi. Što se tiče odeće videli ste sve do sada osim crnih farmerki koje sam sada prvi put fotkala. One su iz New Yorkera i negde početkom zime prošle godine sam ih kupila. Zovu se Lola, high waist su i apsolutno su fenomenalne, ali... ali posle prvog pranja izašle su neke bele linije i nikako ne mogu da se skinu. Ako neko zna kako da rešim ovaj problem neka mi napiše jer mi je stvarno žao da ih bacim jer su nešto najbolje što sam u poslednje vreme kupila. Išla sam čak i dotle da te bele linije bojim flomasterima, tako da i sami možete da pretpostavite koliko mi se zapravo dopadaju.
The outfit I'm going to show you in this post is one of my favorites and I've worn it so much that it can't be counted, I've even recorded a video in it for my youtube channel. What I can say is that it's very comfortable and warm, which is what I strive for when the weather is cold and I have many things on the to-do list. As for the clothes, you have seen everything so far except the black jeans that I finally shooted for this post. They are from New Yorker and in the early winter of last year I bought them. They're called Lola, they're high waisted and they are absolutely phenomenal, but... but after the first wash some white lines came out and they cannot be removed. If anyone knows how to solve this problem then let me know because I'm really sad to throw them away because it's something the best I've bought lately. I even went so far to paint those white lines with felt pens, so you can guess for yourself how much I actually like them.