I think this is the best outfit I had ever wore. I wear black dress with flower design in front and I must say that she is very comfy and makes your waist thinner. With her I combined mine the most favorite boots and a hat to spice up the combination. I'm a big fan of hats, in case you didn't know, and I think they bring the combination to new level. By the way, this outfit I wore at the festival and as you can notice I have a new background - wall! See more pictures of hat here! So, what do you think about my festival outfit?
Mislim da je ovo najbolji outfit koji sam ikada obukla. Nosim crnu haljinu koja napred ima cvetni dezen i moram reći da je dosta udobna, a i da sužava i izdužuje figuru. Sa njom sam ukombinovala svoje najomiljenije čizmice na štiklu koje su se baš uklopile pošto imaju taj print pozadi. O šeširu ne moram ništa da vam pričam, on se savršeno uklopio. Inače, ovaj outfit sam nosila na festivalu grožđa (Grožđebal), a kao što možete primetiti tu je i nova pozadina - zid. Šta mislite o outfitu? PS: Pogledajte moj novi video!
Jasmina Di, x.
Kompletan outfit je prelep!Cipele mi se najvise dopadaju :)
Divan outfit. Takodje tvoj ceo blog mi se jako svidja. :)
ReplyDeleteDa li si zainteresovana za follow for follow? Ako zapratis moj blog, uzvraticu ti.
Fashion and style
Great outfit :)
ReplyDeletePrepree <3 Bas mi se svida ova haljina,pogotovo naocale. Ove stikle predobro pasu,i bas mi je prefora ovaj sesirr. Hvala na divnom komentaruu,i evo bas sad gledam video na ytu,odlicaan jee!!
I love the dress
ReplyDeleteit fits you amazing
i'm following you
new post http://sarameirelesthesnowwhite.blogspot.pt/2015/10/welcome-autumn_10.html
love your blog! follow for follow on GFC? xo
Lovely dress and shoes!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm following you on gfc, hope you'll follow back so we can keep in touch!!!
My Golden Glitter Corner ♥
super post, sviđa mi se haljina <3
ReplyDeletepogledaj moj blog i follow me http://veronicafashioncorner.blogspot.hr/
Very nice pics! now i follow you on Google +and gfc i hope you follow me too! kiss! 🍄🍁🍂🌂☔
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful dress! Love the black panelling on the sides and the waist. SO flattering!
Love your dress! you look great!
Hello darling and thanks a lot <3
ReplyDeleteYou look so fabulous with this dress. Love your shoes :D
I'm following you via GFC. Can you follow me back, please?
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ReplyDeletehvala puno sto si posjetila moj blog i sto me pratis,.. uzvratila sam..
Baš mi se sviđa ovaj šešir.
ReplyDeletePresladak je!
Thats Cute!
ReplyDeleteBtw, would you like to follow each other?
Follow me if you like it <3 I have already followed you!
Happirella | Facebook | bloglovin
Lovely dress <3
ReplyDeleteYou gave it the perfect style :)
Beautiful look!!! Nice dress!!!
ReplyDeleteWould you like to follow each other? let me know...I always follow back.
Besos, desde España, Marcela♥
Lepa haljina, super!
ReplyDeleteAdela Acanski
Pretty outfit!
Hello! Thx for your comment in my blog now i´following your blog.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful look
I really like everything about your look
ReplyDeleteThis stunning dress is perfect on you
many kisses