Vreme je pakleno, ali ipak sam uslikala novi outfit. Nosim crnu United Colors of Benetton majicu, teksas DIY šorts, Differente patike iz prolećnog lova, crno-belu jaknicu i naočare za koje nisam sigurna odakle su. Mislim da sam to rekla za još jedne naočare, nisam li? :/ Inače, ne verujem kako mi dobro stoje! One su možda jedine koje mi sasvim odgovaraju. Životna misija završena! ☺
Pisala bih vam još, ali još se sabiram od talasa vrućine. Na kraju krajeva, slike govore hiljadu reči... u ovom slučaju outfit. Napišite šta mislite! ♥ Sledeći outfiti će biti duginih boja! Osetićete vrtoglavicu. ✌
Wheather is like inferno. but I did took a new outfit. I wore black United Colors of Benetton t-shirt, DIY jeans shorts, Differente sneakers from spring hunting, black&white jacket and sunglasses which I'm not sure from where they are. I think I've said it for another sunglasses too, didn't I? :/ Anyways, I can't believe how good they look on me! They are maybe the only sunglasses which suits me so good. Life mission accomplished! ☺
I would write more, but I'm still recovering from heat waves. In the end, photos speak a thousand words ... in this case the outfit. Write what you think! ♥ Next outfits will be rainbow colors! You will feel vertigo. ✌