Avon mi je jedan od najomiljenijih brendova još od osnovne škole. Sećam se da sam naručivala proizvode i željno ih iščekivala svaki mesec jer su u meni budili osećaj zadovoljstva i ushićenja. Toliki osećaj da sam i sama htela da postanem Avon dama, ali nisam. U međuvremenu, ta Avon dama kod koje sam naručivala se odselila i sve što mi je ostalo od Avona jesu stari katalozi i pakovanja od proizvoda. Sve do sada.
Kofer plave boje stavljam na sto, okrećem i odmeravam. Osećaj ushićenja i zadovoljstva su ponovo tu. Kao što znate, osvojila sam kofer Avon kozmetike preko Joy časopisa i budući da je stigao mogu da vam pokažem šta sam dobila. Proizvodi su lepo spakovani i čekaju da ih otvorim. A onda to činim i vidim...
Avon is one of my most favorite brands since elementary school. I remember ordering products and eagerly awaited every month because I sensed satisfaction and elation. I felted so much elation that I wanted to become an Avon lady, but I didn't. Meanwhile, the Avon lady from who I ordered has moved and all what left to me are Avon catalogs and packings of products. Until now.
Blue suitcase is on the table. I'm turning it around and checking him out. The satisfaction and elation feeling is back. As you know, I won a Avon case through Joy magazine and now when he is finally here, I can show you what I got. Products are beautifully packaged and they are waiting for me to open them. I do so and then I see...