El Señora De Los Cielos

U poslednje vreme sam bila bez volje za blogovanjem ili bolje da kažem u burnout fazi. Nisam verovala da bi to moglo da mi se desi, ali eto, kako je Justin Bieber davno rekao never say never. Uglavnom, jesen je već uveliko tu i spremna sam da ponovo pišem postove na TFS-u, ali pre nego što krenem sa tom sezonom moram da podelim sa vama ovaj ootd koji je uslikan tokom leta. On nosi naziv el señora de los cielos što znači gospodarica neba, a ideju sam dobila zahvaljujući nazivu serije koju trenutno gledam, a to je gospodar neba ili po originalu el señor de los cielos. Znači, ove fotke me taaako podsećaju na nju.

Što se tiče autfita, glavna zvezda je snake print šorc koji je veliki trend već nekoliko sezona i morala sam da ga ispratim. Ako niste toliko odvažni da ga nosite, a voleli biste onda možete da se odlučite za kaiš, torbu ili cipele. Meni bi jedne čizmice baš super došle. Dalje, nosim crnu Jennifer Taylor majicu koja je taaako udobna da je to nerealno. Materijal je predivan i baš mi se dopada. Od obuće sam se odlučila za sandale sa zlatnim detaljima koje su, fun fact, moje prve cipele IKAD i još uvek mi odgovaraju. To ja zovem dobrim šopingom. Ostale stvari koje nosim su šešir, izmučena tally weijl torba koju nosim već jedno deset godina, ogrlica sa zvezdama i mom srcu veoma draga personalizovana kajina narukvica. 
I've been out of blogging lately because of burnout phase. I didn't believe it could happen to me, but how Justin Bieber said long ago never say never. Anyway, autumn is already here and I'm ready to write posts on TFS, but before I start this season I have to share with you this ootd that was taken during the summer. It bears the name el señora de los cielos which means mistress of the sky, and I got the idea thanks to the name of the series I am currently watching, which is lord of the sky or by the original el señor de los cielos. These photos remind me sooo much of the series so yeah.

As for the outfit, the main star is the snake print shorts, which has been a big trend for several seasons and I have to follow it myself. If you're not so daring to wear it, then you would prefer to opt for a belt, bag or shoes. One pair of boots sounds really good to me. Next, I wear a Jennifer Tailor t-shirt that was so comfortable it's unrealistic. The material is beautiful and I really like it. For footwear, I opted for sandals with gold details that, fun fact, are my first shoes EVER and still fit me. That's what I call good shopping. Other things that I wear are hat, tally weijl bag that I've been wearing for ten years now, a star necklace and a personalized bracelet that's very dear to my heart which I adore. 

Flower Bow | OUTFIT

Znam da novu sezonu obično započinjem modnim trendovima, ali ovog puta ta tema će se naći na novom projektu koji ću uskoro da lansiram i jedva čekam da vidim vaše reakcije. Mislim da će vam se baš dopasti. Uglavnom, letnju sezonu ću sada otvoriti ovim letnjim autfitom gde sam se poklonila cvetnom printu. Ja sam jako izbirljiva kada je ovaj print u pitanju jer mi se većina tih printova ne svidi, ali polako otvaram vrata i izlazim iz svoje zone komfora što se njega tiče pa sam dodala već nekoliko komada u svoj garderober. U vezi haljine, nju imam već nekoliko godina i apsolutno je obožavam. Dugo, ali baš dugo vremena je bila jedini flower komad u mom ormanu (matursku haljinu ne računam). Na prvi pogled deluje da je skroz basic, ali nije jer je na dnu leđa otvorena i baš zbog toga mi se dopada. Inače, znate da volim igrice, pa tako je reč bow u naslovu dvosmislena. Prvo značenje je to da sam se poklonila cvetnom printu kao što sam napisala gore, a drugo značenje je mašna jer na ovim cipelama ima mašna.
I know I usually start the new season with fashion trends, but this time that topic will be found on a new project that I will launch soon and I can't wait to see your reactions. I think you'll like it a lot. Anyway, now I will open the summer season with this summer outfit where I bowed to the floral print. I'm very picky with it because I don't like most of these prints, but I'm slowly opening the door and going out of my comfort zone so I've added a few pieces to my wardrobe. About the dress, I have her for few years now and I absolutely adore her. For a long time, but for a looong time, it was the only flower piece in my closet (I don't count the prom dress). At first glance, it looks like she's basic, but she's not because it's open at the bottom of the back and that's why I like her. Otherwise, you know I love games, so the word bow in the title has two meanings. The first meaning is that I bow to the floral print as I wrote above and the second meaning is bow because there is a bow on these shoes.

Spring Beauty Favorites | 2019

Proleće se završilo, a to znači samo jedno - FAVORITI! Došao je red na beauty post kojim uvek završavam sezonu, a to je pisanje o proizvodima koje sam najviše koristila tokom proleća i koje blago rečeno obožavam. U favoritima dominira essence što me ne čudi jer obožavam taj brend, kvalitetan je, a povoljan i mogu reći da ću neke proizvode nastaviti da koristim i u letnjoj sezoni, neke ću promeniti, neke ću kupiti ponovo, a neke neću iako su mi sada favoriti. Sada pokazujem samo beauty favorite, ali na kraju leta možete očekivati i fashion i random na jutjubu. Ako vas zanimaju favoriti 2018 godine taj post možete pročitati ovde.
Spring is over and that means just one - FAVORITES! It's time for a beauty post with which I always end up the season and it's the writing about the products I used the most during the spring and which I really adore. In favorites dominates essence which is not a miracle because I adore this brand, it's a good quality and wallet friendy. I can say that I will continue to use some products in the summer season, some I will change, some I will buy again and some I will not even though they are favorites. Now I'm only showing beauty favorites, but at the end of the summer you can expect both fashion and random on yt.

Little Black Lace Dress | OUTFIT

Pre nekog vremena išla sam u Smederevo zbog nekih privatnih obaveza i odlučila sam da iskoristim situaciju i slikam autfit. Mesto koje je zapalo je zaista predivna Smederevska tvrđava nastala u 15. veku i koja dosta podseća na Vršačku kulu. Nisam toliki fan ovih mesta, ali svakako izgledaju super. Ono što je mene oduševilo jeste biblioteka koja je brutalna i planiram da se što pre vratim kako bih je opet videla, haha. Uglavnom, Smederevo kao mesto je predivno i vrlo rado bih živela tu. Kako je meni izgledalo, sve je na dohvat ruke i vrlo lako može da se snađe. Jedino što mi se ne dopada jeste što u njihovom Stop Shop centru nema Sinsay, ali dobro, to je valjda manje bitno, hahah. ... Pričajmo sada o autfitu.

Što se tiče autfita, odlučila sam se za crnu čipkanu haljinu koja je neverovatna jer osim što lepo izgleda još je i komotna i osećate se kao da je ni ne nosite. Ispod se nalazi postava, a preko nje čipkani materijal dok su rukavi i leđa od providnog materijala. Ja nosim crnu bluzu ispod jer je tad bilo hladnije tako da to sada ne može da se vidi. Sa haljinom sam ukombinovala mint kaiš za malo vedrine, rosegal eagle torbicu, gucci remake martinke i od nakita ogrlicu i famozne must-have minđuše. Detalji su na dnu.

Little Black Lace Dress - po meni bi svako trebao da ima jednu čipkanu crnu haljinu jer ima isti efekat kao crna mala haljina samo veću dozu elegantnosti. Ono što je najbolje kombinuje se lako i može da se nosi sa svime samo što sa little black dress možete da obujete patike i izgledaćete opušteno dok sa lace dress i dalje imate chic vibraciju. 
Some time ago I went to Smederevo for some private obligations and I decided to take advantage of the situation to shoot an outfit. The place where I got to shoot is a truly beautiful Smederevo fortress made in the 15th century that reminds a lot of the Vršac tower. I'm not such a fan of these places, but they definitely look great. What has thrilled me is a library that is brutal and I plan to return as soon as possible so I can see it again, haha. Anyway, Smederevo as a place is beautiful and I would like very much to live there. As it seemed to me, everything is so close and very easy to find what you want. The only thing I didn't like is that there is no Sinsay in their Stop Shop Mall, but well, that's probably less important, hahah. ... let's talk about outfit now.

As for the outfit, I decided to wear a black lace dress that is incredible because it looks very beautiful, is so comfortable and you feel like you don't even wear it. Under is a short dress and above is a lace material while the sleeves and back are made of the transparent material. I wear a black blouse below because it was colder then, so you can't see it now how it looks exactly. With the dress I combined a mint belt for a little bit of cheerfulness, a rosegal eagle bag, remake of gucci boots and of jewelry I wear necklace and a must-have earrings (at least here in Serbia). Details are at the bottom of post.

Little Black Lace Dress - according to me, everyone should have one lace black dress, because it has the same effect as a black little dress just a bigger dose of elegance. What is the best, it's easy to combine, you can wear it with everything and if you wear sneakers with little black dress you will look relaxed while with little black lace dress you will still look chic.

New Star Constellation Bag | Fem Rebel

U svoju kolekciju mini torbica sam dodala jednu novu koja je idealna za noćne izlaske i proslave i slabo je reći da je obožavam. Bukvalno čim sam je videla znala sam da moram da je imam međutim dok sam stigla da je naručim na svim sajtovima je bila rasprodata. Tražeći je po internetu, slučajno sam naišla na Fem Rebel gde je bila dostupna i eto, ostatak je istorija.
In my mini bag collection I added a new bag that is ideal for night outings and celebrations and I adore her so much. Literally, as soon as I saw her I knew that I had to have it but unfortunately it was sold out on every site. Searching on the internet, I accidentally found Fem Rebel where it was available, and the rest is history.