Proleće se završilo, a to znači samo jedno - FAVORITI! Došao je red na beauty post kojim uvek završavam sezonu, a to je pisanje o proizvodima koje sam najviše koristila tokom proleća i koje blago rečeno obožavam. U favoritima dominira essence što me ne čudi jer obožavam taj brend, kvalitetan je, a povoljan i mogu reći da ću neke proizvode nastaviti da koristim i u letnjoj sezoni, neke ću promeniti, neke ću kupiti ponovo, a neke neću iako su mi sada favoriti. Sada pokazujem samo beauty favorite, ali na kraju leta možete očekivati i fashion i random na jutjubu. Ako vas zanimaju favoriti 2018 godine taj post možete pročitati ovde.
Spring is over and that means just one - FAVORITES! It's time for a beauty post with which I always end up the season and it's the writing about the products I used the most during the spring and which I really adore. In favorites dominates essence which is not a miracle because I adore this brand, it's a good quality and wallet friendy. I can say that I will continue to use some products in the summer season, some I will change, some I will buy again and some I will not even though they are favorites. Now I'm only showing beauty favorites, but at the end of the summer you can expect both fashion and random on yt.