Kada je zahladnelo, videla sam savršenu priliku za slikanje outfita i voila. Outfit je tu, ja srećna, vi dobijate novi post, a vreme i dalje može da se iskoristi. Ovo je jedan outfit duginih boja, kao što sam i rekla u Benetton postu da slede. Nosim žutu majicu na bretele koja počinje čipkom, suknju sa cvećem iz Bershke, krem platforme, tirkizni štrikani bolero i ogrlicu od plavih kamenčića kupljenu na moru u Crnoj Gori, a koja se, inače, savršeno slaže sa noktima. Pišite mišljenja i uživajte u ovoj nedelji!
When heat waves cool down a little bit, I saw the perfect opportunity to shoot outfit and voila. Outfit is here, I'm happy, you get a new post and the weather can still be used. This is an outfit of rainbow colors, as I said in the Benetton post that they're coming. I'm wearing yellow tank top that starts with lace, skirt with flowers from Bershka, cream colored platforms, turquoise knitted bolero and necklace of blue stones purchased at summer holiday in Montenegro, which perfectly agrees with nails. Write your opinions and enjoy in this week!