Monochromatic Magic
Krema za lice sa hijaluronom | LANEA
Morning After Dark | OUTFIT
Ćao, Spell fam! Ponovo je došao ponedeljak zato želim da vam poželim srećnu radnu nedelju i kako bi na engleskom rekli break a leg. Danas na blogu vam predstavljam novi ootd post koji je skroz u jesenjem fazonu, to su te boje jeseni koje svi vole. Trudim se da sklopim i nosim outfite za koje će se odmah na prvi pogled videti da su jesenji i mislim da sam sa ovim poprilično uspela iako sam trenutno ograničena sa odećom jer #babyiscoming. Ali uspevam, videćete još u budućnosti neke super kombinacije.
A šta to čini ovaj outfit? Rolka - koje su mi must-have za jesen, a ova moja je u narandžastoj boji i da mi je neko rekao da će mi biti veliki favorit pre same kupovine, odgovorila bih da je ta osoba luda. Ali stvarno mi je veliki favorit i ne mogu da izbrojim koliko puta sam je samo nosila. Must-have za jesen mi je i šešir jer oni dodaju posebnu notu svakom outfitu, a u ovom nosim crni koji je moj prvi šešir ikada. Dalje imamo suede suknju sa lace-up detaljem napred i velikim džepovima koja je neverovatno udobna, crnu tanku kožnu jaknu, over-the-knee crne čizme i vintage prada torbicu. Kako vam se dopada ootd?
Hi, Spell fam! It's monday again and that's why I want to wish you a happy working week and you know - break a leg and all that stuff. Today on the blog I present you a new ootd post that is completely in the autumn style, these are the colors of autumn that everyone loves. I try to put together and wear outfits that will immediately look like autumn ootd's at first glance and I think I have been quite successful with this one even though I am currently limited with clothes because #babyiscoming. But I succeed, and you will see some great combinations in the future.
And what makes this outfit? Turtleneck - which is must-have for autumn, and this one of mine is in orange and if someone told me that it would be my big favorite before the purchase, I would answer that person that she's crazy. But it's really my big favorite and I can’t count how many times I’ve just worn it. A must-have for fall is also a hat because they add a special note to any outfit, and in this outfit it's my black which is my first hat ever. Next we have a suede skirt with a lace detail and large pockets in the front that is incredibly comfortable, a black thin leather jacket, over-the-knee black boots and a vintage prada bag.