Ćao, Spell fam! Dobrodošli u novi autfit post koji je u detaljima šljokica i bisera, sav girly. Baš volim šljokice i pitam se zašto moraju biti namenjene samo za proslavu Nove, rođendane ili neke proslave? Pa, kažem da ne moraju! Zato planiram da nosim šljokice cele godine i mnogo se radujem pogotovo jer imam da slavim jedan veliki milestone i nešto što sam oduvek želela. Saznaćete ako pogledate sve slike. Uglavnom, planiram još jedan autfit sa ovom suknjom jer se šljokice nikako ne vide. Padala je kiša kad smo slikali (što se da videti po mojoj kosi), pa smo morali da žurimo, ali nisu ispale loše, zar ne? xo
Hi, Spell fam! Welcome to a new outfit post that is all about glitter and pearls, all the way girly. I really like glitter and I wonder why are they worn only for celebrating New Years, birthdays or some celebrations? Well, I say they don't have to! That's why I plan to wear glitter all year and I'm really looking forward to it, especially since I have a big milestone to celebrate and something I've always wanted. You will find out if you look at all the pictures. Anyway, I'm planning another outfit with this skirt because the glitter are nowhere to be seen. It was raining when we took the pictures (which you can tell from my hair), so we had to hurry, but they didn't turn out bad, did they? Until next post, be younique and carpe diem. xo