Playground in 90's

Juče je bio predivan dan i iskoristila sam ga do maksimuma. Ujutru sam išla da trčim, kasnije sam provela neko vreme sa ljubimcima, onda sam išla da slikam outfit (koji ćete videti u nastavku posta) i pomalo se zabavila na igralištu sa drugaricom. Zapravo, zabavila sam se mnogo! Primetila sam da postavljaju ringišpil i baš se radujem (kao i svake godine). ☺ Predveče sam malo organizovala sobu, a i napisala sam deo Astra Akademije.

Što se današnjeg dana tiče, nisam išla na trčanje jer imam blagu upalu mišića (dammit), ali ići ću da slikam outfit, tako da očekujte njega, a i još dosta outfit postova jer ima da vas bombardujem njima.

Sada, što se tiče outfita, ovo je jedan sportski da se nađemo na pola puta outfit. Zašto na pola puta? Zato što ga sa ovim šorcem i ne čini sportskim do kraja. Obukla sam sportsko-elegantnu bluzu sa printom 90's koju sam vam predstavila u Summer Haul 2015 videu, kratak (vrući) džins šorc i Reebok patike koje obožavam. Od nakita nisam ništa nosila osim svoje narukvice protiv uroka koju uvek nosim.
Yesterday was a beautiful day and I used it to the maximum. In the morning I went to run and later I spent some time with my pets, then I went to shoot the outfit (which you will see in this post) and I had a little fun at the playground with a friend. Actually, I had lots of fun! I noticed some people setting the carousel and I'm very happy about it (like every year). ☺Afternoon I organized my room a little and I also wrote a part of Astra Academy.

Today I didn't go to run because I have a little sore muscles (dammit), but I will go to shoot an outfit, so you can expect him soon and even more outfit posts because I'm going to bombard you with them.

Now, about this outfit, this is one sport meet me halfway (it's a serbian song) outfit. Why halfway? Because with this shorts it's only halfway sport outfit. I wore sport-elegant blouse with 90's print which I talked about in Summer Haul 2015 video, short (hot) shorts and Reebok sneakers which I adore. The jewelry I haven't worn except a bracelet that I always wear.

Review: City Style Mascara | Golden Rose

This is the first review I'm doing on my blog and it's all about City Style mascara by Golden Rose. Everyone talked about this one, so I decided to try this mascara and I can say I'm very pleased. This is one of the best mascaras I used in my life! Package is cute, brush has two types of spines. First is short which gives length and volume and the other one, longer, gives curls and separates lashes. Formula is easy to apply and long standing. If you're looking for a mascara I recommend this one to you.
Biću iskrena i reći da sam u celom svom životu koristila samo tri do četiri maskare i da pre i nisam bila neki ljubitelj njih. Zašto? Zato što strašno nisam volela kada treba da je skinem. Da li sam to radila na pogrešan način ili šta već, ali posle uklanjanja ispod očiju bi mi sve bilo crno. Međutim, to sada nije ni bitno jer sam ih zavolela i spremna sam da istrpim to... sve za duge trepavice i veće oči.

Queen Bee

On Instagram I announced new outfit post, so here he is! In this outfit I wore my fav spring dress which has a white collar, (you can't see it well because of hair, grr), denim jacket and black flat shoes. They have zircons and I have to admit it was a little awkward in them because I felt like I'm barefoot. I didn't like it that much, but if you like the feeling than you should get some similar shoes. I didn't want anything to exaggerating so I just added a couple of bracelets to supplement combination. ☺ How do you like it?
Na instagramu sam najavila novi outfit post i evo ga. Uslikan je u sklopu videa pod imenom I♥Spring Tag za pitanje omiljena prolećna haljina, ali budući da proleće prolazi, a leto dolazi, odustala sam od videa.
Nosim, kao što sam već rekla, svoju omiljenu prolećnu haljinu koja ima belu kragnu, (na slikama se ne vidi dobro od kose, grr), teksas jaknu i crne baletanke. Baletanke imaju cirkone i moram da priznam da mi je bilo malo nezgodno u njima jer mi se činilo kao da hodam bosa. Nisam od onih osoba koje teže da im obuća bude što lakša. Ali ako vi težite, onda su ove baletanke baš za vas. Pored kragne i printa haljine, nisam htela nešto da preterujem pa sam samo dodala nekoliko narukvica da dopunim kombinaciju. ☺ Kako vam  se dopada?