All That Glitters | OUTFIT

Ćao, Spell fam! Proleće je konačno stiglo i ovo je moj prvi autfit za prolećnu sezonu. Naziv već sve govori, a to je glitter, naravno, nastavljam svoju aferu. Jedva sam dočekala da nosim ovu veličanstvenu, ljubičanstvenu suknju sa sitnim šljokicama i planirala sam je specijalno za prvi dan proleća. Pa, kako drugačije pokazati čast divnom proleću nego putem šljokica i kraljevske ljubičaste boje? Ah, da ne zaboravim i leptira na leđima jakne, on je baš moćan. Ja sam opsednuta ovim autfitom i fotkama. 
Spring is finally here and this is my first outfit for the spring season. The name says it all, and it's glitter, of course, I continue my affair. I couldn't wait to wear this gorgeous purple skirt with tiny sequins and planned it especially for the first day of spring. Well, how else to honor the wonderful spring than with glitter and royal purple? Oh, and not to forget the butterfly on the back of the jacket, it's really powerful. I am obsessed with this outfit and photos. How do you like it?


Ćao, Spell fam! Nedavno sam pročitala knjigu "Alef" čiju recenziju možete pročitati na @thebookspell profilu. Uglavnom, otkrila sam u knjizi da možemo da putujemo kroz vreme tipa da vidimo svoj stari život koji smo živeli pomoću zamišljenog prstena. On se kreće od glave do stopala, iznova i iznova, prvo polako, a onda brže. Takođe, ponekad otputujemo dok spavamo pa ono što sanjamo ispada da su naša sećanja iz prošlih života. .. Zašto pišem to? Zato što mi je današnji autfit Parisian vibe, i zato što sam jednom sanjala nešto. To me navelo da pomislim da nije to događaj iz nekog mog prošlog života? Naime, sanjala sam da živim u Parizu, u jednom malom stanu; tu su bile moje stvari, moje uramljene slike. Dovoljan dokaz da je stan moj i da živim tu. Bila sam zadovoljna tim životom, a onda se desila tragedija. U Parizu je nastala poplava i ja sam se nekako udavila u njoj. Sad se pitam da li ću u ovom životu tako umreti? 'Alef - tačka u kojoj je sve na istom mestu u isto vreme.' Ako se sve ponavlja onda je moguće.
Hi, Spell fam! I recently read the book "Aleph" by Paulo Coelho where I discovered that we can travel through time like see our old life that we lived using an imaginary ring. He moves from head to toe, over and over, first slowly, then faster. Also, sometimes we travel while we sleep so what we dream turns out to be our memories from past lives. .. Why am I writing that? Because today's outfit has a Parisian vibe and because I once dreamed of something. It made me think that maybe it was an event from a past life of mine? Hence, I dreamed of living in Paris, in a small apartment; there were my things, my framed pictures. Sufficient proof that the apartment is mine and that I live there. I was satisfied with that life, and then a tragedy happened. There was a flood in Paris and I somehow drowned in it. Now I wonder if I will die like that in this life? 'Aleph - the point where everything is in the same place at the same time.' If everything is repeated then it is possible. What do you think? 

Milky Way | OUTFIT

Ćao, Spell fam! Zima se polako završava i ne mogu biti uzbuđenija zbog toga, ali dok ne dođe taj trenutak nastavljam sa zimskim sadržajem. Ovaj autfit sam baš jako dugo htela da uslikam, imala sam ceo koncept u glavi: apsolutno svaki komad odeće će biti bele boje, slikaću ga na lokaciji gde su krila i to kada bude napadao sneg. Anđeoska fantazija, jel da? Pa, sneg ove zime uopšte nije napadao toliko da bi se zadržao, što je veoma razočaravajuće, tako da sam slikala bez njega. Kako vam se dopada?


Hi, Spell fam! Winter is slowly coming to an end and I couldn't be more excited about it, but until that moment comes I'm continuing with winter content. I wanted to shot this outfit for a very long time, I had the whole concept in my head: absolutely every piece of clothing will be white, I will shot it in the location where the wings are and when it's snowing. An angelic fantasy, right? Well, the snow didn't really hit hard enough this winter to stick around, which is very disappointing, so I took pictures without it. How do you like it? .. My sugarboo, I'm levitating, the Milky Way, we're renegading.