Evo mene opet, jesam li vam nedostajala? Nije me bilo baš dugo, ali o tome neki drugi put. Sada ćemo da pričamo o ovom outfitu koji je prvi za letnju sezonu ( i koja se za dve nedelje završava, haha, ma aplauz). Nosi naziv A Little Bit Of Your Flower jer je slikano u bašti jednog restorana, a kao što verovatno znate, ako obavljate fotošuting uvek morate da pitate za dozvolu, međutim, ja nisam. Svakako su me viđali tu jer sam dosta dolazila sa decom pošto imaju predivno igralište. Idila je za njih.
No, da se vratim na temu posta, a to je outfit. Glavna zvezda je teksas suknja iz terranove koja je ispunila sve moje zahteve da bude idealna i veoma voljena, a oni su boja, dužina i nivo udobnosti. Nisam verovala da je tako teško naći odličnu teksas suknju, zato ako naiđete na neku koja ispunjava sve vaše kriterijume kupite istog trena. Možete je kombinovati na razne načine i nositi je apsolutno svake sezone što je odlična investicija. Uglavnom, eksperimentisala sam sa outfitom pa sam obukla belu običnu majicu i preko dodala još jednu cvetnu na bretele što je veoma začinilo outfit i učinilo ga posebnijim. Kako vam se čini?
Here I am again, did you miss me? I haven't been here very long, but I will talk about it some other time. Now we will talk about this outfit, which is the first for the summer season (and which is going to end in two weeks, haha, applause). It's called A Little Bit of Your Flower because it was photographed in the garden of a restaurant, and as you probably know, if you are going to take photos you always have to ask for permission, however, I didn't. They saw me several times since I come a lot with the kids because they have a beautiful playground. It's ideal for them.
Now, let\s go back to the theme, and that's outfit. The main star is the denim skirt, which fulfilled all my requirements to be ideal and very loved, which are color, length and comfort level. I didn't believe that it would be so difficult to find great denim skirt, so if you find one that meets all your criteria, buy it right away. You can combine it in different ways and wear it absolutely every season, which is a great investment. Anyway, I experimented with the outfit, so I put on a white plain t-shirt and added another floral one with the straps, which greatly spiced up the outfit and made it special. What do you think?
Hat: Nagy Hut | Necklace: Billionare Belgrade | White T-Shirt: Custom Made | Skirt: Terranova | Booties: H&M

Great outfits 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊
ReplyDeleteFotke su divne :D <3
ReplyDeletejfashionlover.online <3
You look gorgeous.