Weekend | OUTFIT

Bonjour, Spell fam! Dobrodošli u sedamdeseti outfit na mom blogu pod nazivom weekend  koji iskreno obožavam. Jeste da je tek početak radne nedelje i da je vikend daleko, ali ipak se pitam i vrtim "a kuda za vikend, a kuda za vikend, vikend, vikend?" Odgovor je verovatno nigde jer ovog meseca planiram da gledam svaki dan po jedan film, a pored toga imam i serije, tako da je ovaj mesec rezervisan za netflix, kokice i vino. Malo kaskam sa odgledanim filmovima, tako da mi ne gine maraton, ali meni to dobro zvuči. Možda napišem post o svim filmovima koje sam odgledala, kako vam se dopada ta ideja?

Da sada pričamo o glavnoj temi ovog posta, a to je outfit, on se sastoji od novog sivog džempera iz New Yorkera koji ste mogli da vidite u fashion haul-u u mom novom jutjub videu (ako niste pogledali klik ovde da pogledate). Takođe, vodila sam vas u šoping sa mnom tako da ga ne smete propustiti - da pogledate H&M šoping klik ovde, a za New Yorker šoping klik ovde (video će da počne od tih scena). Uglavnom, sa džemperom sam ukombinovala midi rozu suknju koja mi sve više prirasta za srce i nosila bih je svaki dan koliko je udobna, crne čizmice na debelu štiklu i od modnih detalja kaiš, rajf i kajin kutak narukvicu. Suknju sam nosila i u It's So Romantic i Pastels outfitima, pa kliknite na nazive ako želite da vidite kako sam je još kombinovala, a za outfite sa weekend džemperom se spremite jer će ih biti još. Ako vam se dopada možete ga kupiti u NY jer je još uvek u ponudi.
Bonjour, Spell fam! Welcome to the 70th outfit on my blog called weekend which I sincerely adore. Yes, it's just the beginning of the work week and the weekend is far away, but I still wonder and listen "where for the weekend, and where for the weekend, weekend, weekend?" (that's croatian song) The answer is probably nowhere because this month I plan to watch one movie per day, I have series, too, so this month is reserved for netflix, popcorn and wine. Also, I'm late with watching the movies, so one big fancy marathon is going to happen, and it sounds good to me. Maybe I’ll write a post about all the movies I’ve watched, how do you like that idea?

Now let's talk about the main topic of this post, which is the outfit, it consists of a new gray sweater from New Yorker that you could see in the fashion haul in my new youtube video (if you haven't seen it, click here to take a look). Also, I took you shopping with me so you shouldn’t miss it - to watch H&M shopping click here and for New Yorker shopping click here (the video will start from those scenes). Anyway, I combined a midi pink skirt with a sweater, which is growing more and more for my heart and I would wear it every day since it's so comfortable, black boots with thick heels and about the fashion details I wear a hairband, a belt and a bracelet. I wore a skirt in It's So Romantic and Pastels outfits, click on the names if you want to see how more I combined it, and for the outfits with weekend sweater get ready because it's going to be a lot of them soon.

It's So Romantic

Sećate se reset projekta? Pa vreme je za drugu outfit kombinaciju, a ovog puta glavni akter je color blocking different dukser. Prošli put sam ga ukombinovala sa icy farmerkama gde je kombinacija bila ležerna i kežual, a sada sam ga uklopila sa suknjom A kroja koju sam podigla nagore kako bi mi bila iznad kolena i mogu reći da mi se mnogo dopada kako je ootd ispao. Ima sportsku notu, ali isto tako i elegantnu zbog romantične suknje i bow cipelica. Ovo je dokaz da dukser može da se nosi i uz elegantne i sofisticirane komade odeće i pritom izgledati veoma lepo i poželjno. Kako se vama dopada ovaj ootd?
Remember the reset project? Well it's time for another outfit combo, and this time the main actor is the color blocking different sweatshirt. Last time I combined it with icy jeans where the combination was casual and comfy, and now I paired it with an A-line skirt that I lifted up to be above my knees and I can say that I like how ootd turned out. It has a sporty note but also elegant because of the romantic skirt and bow shoes. This is proof that the sweatshirt can be worn even with elegant and sophisticated pieces of clothing while looking very nice and desirable. How do you like this ootd?


Posebno mi je drago što vam predstavljam ovaj ootd jer je on prvi iz novog projekta koji ću da vodim, a u pitanju je prikazivanje više načina kako možete kombinovati određen komad odeće gde je u ovom postu glavni akter universo rainbow džemper. Tokom ovih pet godina koliko blogujem trudila sam se da ne ponavljam odeću u outfit postovima, ali sada ću da radim upravo suprotno kako biste videli kako je još kombinujem. Naravno, tokom svih ovih godina neku od te odeće koju ste videli na blogu više nemam, neka se uništila, nešto mi više ne odgovara i tako dalje. Uglavnom, ovo je slikano jako davno, mislim negde na proleće što i sami možete primetiti s obzirom na kosu jer je kratka međutim odgovara ovom trenutnom vremenu tako da objavljujem sada.

Ovog puta sa rainbow džemperom sam ukombinovala bele icy farmerke i teksas čizme preko kolena na tanku štiklu koje su dosta ovaj ootd učinile upečatljivim. Bukvalno nije bilo osobe da nije pogledala u mom pravcu, lol. Osećala sam se dosta udobno i prijatno noseći ove stvari, a to dosta opravdava i zašto su moje omiljene, pogotovo rainbow džemper. #ResetProject
I'm very pleased to present this ootd to you as it's being the first in a new project that I'm going to lead, and it;s about showing you several ways you can combine a particular piece of clothing where the main actor in this post is the universo rainbow sweater. During the five years I've been blogging, I've tried not to repeat clothes in my outfit posts, but now I'm going to do the exact opposite for you to see how else I combine it. Of course, during all these years, some of those clothes you saw on the blog I no longer have, some is ruined, something no longer suits me, etc. Anyway, this ootd was taken a long time ago, I think in the spring, and you can see for yourself with regard to hair 'cause it's short, however it fits this current weather so I'm posting now.

This time with a rainbow sweater, I combined white icy jeans and denim boots over the knee on a slim heel that made this ootd quite striking. There was literally no person she didn't look in my direction, lol. I felt quite comfortable and cozy wearing these things, and that justifies why they are my favorite, especially the rainbow sweater. #ResetProject