C'est La Vie, Mon Amie

Outfit koji ću u ovom postu da vam pokažem je jedan od mojih omiljenih i nosila sam ga toliko da ne može da se izbroji, a snimila sam čak i video za jutjub u njemu. Ono što mogu reći jeste da je veoma udoban i topao, a to je ono čemu težim kada je hladno vreme, a imam puno stavki na to-do listi. Što se tiče odeće videli ste sve do sada osim crnih farmerki koje sam sada prvi put fotkala. One su iz New Yorkera i negde početkom zime prošle godine sam ih kupila. Zovu se Lola, high waist su i apsolutno su fenomenalne, ali... ali posle prvog pranja izašle su neke bele linije i nikako ne mogu da se skinu. Ako neko zna kako da rešim ovaj problem neka mi napiše jer mi je stvarno žao da ih bacim jer su nešto najbolje što sam u poslednje vreme kupila. Išla sam čak i dotle da te bele linije bojim flomasterima, tako da i sami možete da pretpostavite koliko mi se zapravo dopadaju.
The outfit I'm going to show you in this post is one of my favorites and I've worn it so much that it can't be counted, I've even recorded a video in it for my youtube channel. What I can say is that it's very comfortable and warm, which is what I strive for when the weather is cold and I have many things on the to-do list. As for the clothes, you have seen everything so far except the black jeans that I finally shooted for this post. They are from New Yorker and in the early winter of last year I bought them. They're called Lola, they're high waisted and they are absolutely phenomenal, but... but after the first wash some white lines came out and they cannot be removed. If anyone knows how to solve this problem then let me know because I'm really sad to throw them away because it's something the best I've bought lately. I even went so far to paint those white lines with felt pens, so you can guess for yourself how much I actually like them.

Hat: Nagy Hut | Coat: Godsend | VestSweet | Shirt: Terranova | Jeans: New Yorker | Boots: Gucci Remake BagRosegal/x


  1. Olá, Jasmina, estava passeando no seu blog e vi coisas de muito bom gosto, desde maquiagem à roupas.
    Gosto de acompanhar tudo o que se refere a moda, sempre tiramos algo que se encaixa com nosso estilo.
    Obrigada por sua visita, gostei muito. Já estou seguindo seu blog!
    Beijo daqui do sul do Brasil!

  2. This is such a strong outfit. I love the hat especially. It gives this such a cool finish!
    the creation of beauty is art.

  3. I love this outfit, the red looks so good against the black xo

    Makeup Muddle

  4. A very original and stylish outfit!
    You look so cool and very unique!

    1. So amazing to hear these words, thank you so much! ♡

  5. Oduševljena sam autfitom i baš je moćan, čak imam jedan autfit na sličnu foru koji sam nosila prošle godine neprestano, ali sam sada zaboravila na njega, pa ću početi ponovo. Divan post.💖

    Sweet-dreams-14.blogspot.com - novi post

    1. Baš mi je drago da ti se dopada ootd i hvala ti puno na prelepim rečima. ♡

      Volela bih da vidim tvoj ootd pa kad ga budeš nosila pošalji fotku ili me taguj me insta, ako želiš, naravno. U svakom slučaju, baš sam srećna što sam te podsetila na njega jer sam sigurna da je predobar. xx

  6. Awesome! I love the hat and the coat and the hint of red.


  7. I love this outfit, especially the hat! I think this look suits you so well! Have a great week!
    PerlaGiselle | iamperlita.com

    1. Oh thank you much. I'm more than happy to hear that cause I wear this ootd a lot. ♡

  8. Hi! Beautiful outfit. Thanks for sharing.
    I hope you´ll visit my blog soon. Have a nice day!

    1. Hi! Thank you for stopping by and reading the post. ♡

  9. Baš ti lepo stoji ovaj outfit! Ja obožavam karirano i baš tražim ovakvu košulju. Što se tiče farmerki meni se nekad to desi od praška pa onda operem ručno i više ih nema. Možda je to slučaj i kod tebe.

    P.S. Odlično mi izgledaš! ❤



Hvala na odvojenom vremenu i vernom čitanju. Nadam se da vam se ovaj post dopao, a mi se čitamo u sledećem postu. 💫