Chasing Sunflowers + Tips For Sunflower Photoshoot | OUTFIT

Leto se završilo i jesen je došla, ali iako su svi već u jesenjem raspoloženju (kao i ja), ipak moram da objavim ove fotografije među suncokretima sa kojima ću i da završim letnju sezonu. Za ovo fotografisanje sam odlučila da obučem žutu lepršavu haljinu koju jako volim, a sa njom sam ukombinovala body chain, mint kaiš i konačno kupljenu pletenu torbu. Jedva sam se odlučila koju da uzmem i na kraju sam uzela ovu iz Deichmanna koja mi savršeno odgovara. Ovog leta je nisam nosila koliko sam planirala pa ćete je viđati i u narednom jesenjem periodu. 

Takođe, planiram da napravim tradiciju i da se svake godine slikam među suncokretima tako da sigurno i sledeće godine možete očekivati ootd na ovoj lokaciji, a tada ću se voditi stvarima koje sam naučila ovog puta. Ima ih tri, prva je da se ne fotkate kada duva vetar, druga je da obuća nije toliko bitna jer se najverovatnije neće ni videti plus će se isprljati tako da je najbolje obuti nešto što se lako pere i treća stvar koja je možda najvažnija jeste da se staza nalazi u sredini tj. da idu suncokreti, staza pa sunce ako razumete šta hoću da kažem. Razlog za to je veoma jednostavan koji sigurno svi znate, a to je zato što su suncokreti uvek okrenuti prema suncu. Da li imate vi neki savet za sunflower fotošuting? I da li volite da se slikate među suncokretima?
Summer is over and autumn has come, but even though everyone is already in the autumn mood (like me), I still have to publish these photos among the sunflowers with which I will end the summer season. For this photoshoot, I decided to wear a yellow fluttering dress that I really like, and I combined a body chain, a mint belt and a finally bought straw bag with it. I hardly decided which one to buy and in the end I took this one from Deichmann which suits me perfectly. I didn't wear it as much as I planned this summer, so you'll see it in autumn season a lot.

Also, I plan to make a tradition and take pictures among the sunflowers every year, so you can certainly expect ootd at this location next year as well, and then I will be guided by the things I learned this time. There are three of them, the first is not to take pictures when the wind blows, the second is that the shoes are not so important because they most likely will not be seen plus they will get dirty so it's best to wear something that's easy to wash and the third thing that is perhaps most important is the path needs to be in a middle, ie. first to go sunflowers, the path and then the sun if you understand what I mean. The reason for that is very simple, which you all probably know, and that's because sunflowers are always facing the sun. Do you have any advice for sunflower photoshoot? And do you like to take pictures among sunflowers?

Hat: Somas Accessories | Dress: New Yorker | Necklace: Zaful | Belt: Terranova | Bag: Deichmann


  1. These pictures are so beautiful! I absolutely love that purse. It is such a gorgeous accessory.
    the creation of beauty is art.

  2. Slike su prelepe, ali torbica je ipak broj jedan. Jako mi se svidja taj model. 😊

  3. Nice post 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  4. Jao predivna lokacija i preeeedivne fotkice! Mnogo mi se dopadaju fotkice, a ova žuta haljinica je pun pogodak za ovu lokaciju! xoxo


  5. Mnogo lepe slike :)

    Novi post na mom blogu :)


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