Ćao, Spell fam! Evo me ponovo sa autfit postom, ali to nije bilo koji autfit. Ovo je autfit sa kojim podižem svest i ohrabrujem ljude koji su oboleli od raka debelog creva tako što nosim plavu boju. Naime, sve je počelo 2006. godine kada je učenicima koji su obično morali da nose uniforme na času bilo dozvoljeno da nose plavu odeću po svom izboru, samo ako daju donaciju od 1 dolara za svest o raku debelog creva. Sve je pokrenula Anita Mitchell koja je preživela rak debelog creva u IV stadijumu, ali koja je izgubila bliskog prijatelja i sopstvenog oca zbog iste bolesti. Ako ne znate šta danas da obučete, eto ideje - plavo!
Hi, Spell fam! Here I'm again with outfit post, but this isn't like any other outfit. This is the outfit I'm wearing to bring awareness to colon cancer and encourage people by wearing the color blue. So, in 2006, students who normally had to wear uniforms to class were allowed to wear a blue outfit of their choice, if only they made a $1 donation to colon cancer awareness. The idea for ‘National Dress in Blue Day’ was originally come up with by Anita Mitchell, a stage IV colon cancer survivor who had lost a close friend and her own father to the disease. If you don't know what to wear today, here's an idea - blue!