Ćao, Spell fam! Današnji autfit je pravi zimski zbog toliko slojeva i stvari koje sam navukla na sebe. Volim preppy stil oblačenja zimi gde je košulja obavezna, pa je to win-win situacija. Uglavnom, glavna zvezda autfita je džemper, on ima tri boje na sebi i fokus mi je bio na njih. Ali, takođe sam želela da bude barbie core pastelni autfit, pa evo šta sam ukombinovala. Prvo, kao što sam rekla nosim belu košulju, preko džemper i puffer jaknu. Dole sam obukla džins boje lavande, ali na fotkama se i ne vidi baš najbolje, od obuće bunny čizmice kako ih ja zovem i naravno da nisam mogla da propustim priliku.. moju novu beanie kapu.
Hi, Spell fam! Today's outfit is real wintery because of so many layers and things I put on. I love the preppy style of dressing in winter where a shirt is a must, so it's a win-win situation. Anyway, the main star of the outfit is the sweater, it has three colors on it and my focus was on them. But I also wanted it to be a barbie core pastel outfit, so here's what I put together. First, as I said, I'm wearing a white shirt, over a sweater and a puffer jacket. I wore lavender jeans, but it doesn't show very well in the photos, as for the shoes I'm wearing bunny boots, as I call them, and of course I couldn't miss the opportunity... my new beanie.

This is such a fantastic outfit! I love the coat and the sunglasses. Stunning!
ReplyDeletethe creation of beauty is art.